Training School on phytocoenological databases, 21-26 October, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria

21 Oct 2019

Training School on Diversity and development of phytocoenological databases and using of different numerical methods for analysis of vegetation data.

See here : Training School_Bulgaria_21-26 October 2019


This training school (TS) will provide an essential information about steps how to develop, manage and use a new or existing phytocoenological database for riparian and floodplain vegetation studies and management, notably using TURBOVEG software. Different stages of data preparation (i.e. import, export, standardization and selection of vegetation data) using for broad-scale analysis will be presented and experienced with real data. Moreover several numerical methods for analysis of vegetation data, including ordination and classification, will be demonstrated and tested (PC-ORD, Modified TWINSPAN, EuroVegChecklist Expert System). We planned during TS to analyze participant subsets for their PhD theses, projects and paper writing of scientific publications and to discuss how this data set can be used for riparian vegetation assessment.

During the TS, the potential application of the phytocoenological database for riparian and floodplain vegetation as indicator of hydro-morphological conditions (i.e. indicator species from different succession stages and environmental drivers) and anthropogenic pressures (i.e. invasive species) will be highly discussed, to promote their use in river management and assessment tasks.

TS participants are encouraged to contribute to the goals of the COST Action, e.g.:

  • Synthetic presentation of the European riparian vegetation classification;
  • Report about potential gaps of phytosociological knowledge about riparian and floodplain communities;
  • Development of the formalized classification of riparian forests in southeastern Europe.