COST Action CONVERGES / Activities 2019-2020

The work and budget plan of the COST Action CONVERGES for the period May 2019 to April 2020 contains 1 training school, 4 meetings, some grants for scientific missions and some conference grants. Please find below a summary of the main scheduled actitivies (and contacts) :

1. Meeting in Belgrade, September 2019.

2. Training school in Sofia, October 2019.

3. Meeting in Madrid, November 2019.

  • Topic “Riparian vegetation responses to global changes (regulation, climate, land uses, invasion)”,
  • contact : Marta González de Tanago <>

4. Meeting in Tartu, March 2020.

5. Meeting in Thessaloniki, February 2020.

6. Presentation of the COST Action CONVERGES to ISRS biannual conference in Vienna and EVS meeting in Madrid

7. Scientific missions (STSM) : several calls will be open before summer 2019, contact: Rob Francis <>

8. Conference Grants for Early Carrier Investigators from Inclusiveness Target Countries (oral/poster presentations on the topic of the Action) , contact  Daniel Bruno Collados <>