Visualisation of European responses to riparian vegetation degradation
COST CONVERGES has organised a WG2 workshop/meeting in Iceland (September 17 – 18th, in Selfoss) dedicated to visualisation of European responses to riparian vegetation degradation.
The purpose of the workshop was to organize the implementation of WG2 and to work on the following tasks:
- Map of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge regarding responses to degradation of riparian vegetation. The task is to review the scientific literature regarding responses to riparian vegetation degradation. Which methods and strategies have been used? Where are the knowledge gaps? What is the evidence for the effectiveness of different strategies? Is there a need for new types of actions?
- Map of management practices and tools. Identifying management practices and tools used to reduce degradation of riparian vegetation. The aim will be to write a review paper about management practices and tools used to protect and restore riparian vegetation.
- Map of social awareness. Social responses to riparian vegetation degradation. The role of riparian vegetation in legislation will be analysed, addressing how riparian vegetation is treated in relevant EU directives such as the Species and Habitat directive, Floods Directive and the Water Framework Directive. At the country level, we will analyse how riparian vegetation is treated in Member State legislation and policies.
If you are interested please contact raga[at]nett.is and roland.jansson[at]umu.se.