Sustainable Riparian Zones: A Management Guide A management guide produced within the RIPIDURABLE Interreg project (2008)
Good practices for forest buffers to improve surface water quality in the Baltic Sea region The aim of this report is to present options for riparian forest management, including forest buffers, to serve as inspiration
Riparian vegetation management and biodiversity along Loire River, France (in french) BioMareau is a research project about the impact of the management of riparian vegetation along the Loire on biodiversity. See
Potential of COPERNICUS riparian layers to assess riparian zones integrity with landscape metrics A master thesis about the use of COPERNICUS riparian layers to assess riparian zones integrity with landscape metrics. Works done
GUIDANCE TO ASSESS RIPARIAN VEGETATION (STATUS AND PRESSURES) Given the vast amount of literature on the essential influence of riparian vegetation on observed river adjustments and trajectories, and