Sustainable Riparian Zones: A Management Guide A management guide produced within the RIPIDURABLE Interreg project (2008)
Riparian Methods Guide (Landscape Toolbox by USDA/TNC) The Landscape Toolbox is a joint project between the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s Jornada Experimental Range and the Idaho Chapter
List of review papers related to riparian vegetation If you want to add a reference please send an email at simon.dufour[at] Allan, J.D., 2004. Landscapes and Riverscapes:
Good practices for forest buffers to improve surface water quality in the Baltic Sea region The aim of this report is to present options for riparian forest management, including forest buffers, to serve as inspiration
Riparian vegetation and bats (in french) A project on the relationship between riparian vegetation and bats in south-eastern France (in french) : RipiMed