Riparian vegetation ? What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ? “What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ? A video to increase awareness of the need for riparian forest conservation and restoration see on vimeo or youtube“
MANAGERS’ VIEWS ON RIPARIAN VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN FRANCE An international survey was carried out and workshops were organised in various countries in order to gather the vision of
Potential of COPERNICUS riparian layers to assess riparian zones integrity with landscape metrics A master thesis about the use of COPERNICUS riparian layers to assess riparian zones integrity with landscape metrics. Works done
Being involved in the COST Action CONVERGES, a testimony from Jean Philippe Ugille (Belgium) In March 2019, J.P. Ugille did a Short Term Scientific Mission at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Portugal) about “Potential
Using remote sensing to characterize riparian vegetation Using remote sensing to characterize riparian vegetation: a review of available tools and perspectives for managers The objectives of this