Riparian vegetation and bats (in french) A project on the relationship between riparian vegetation and bats in south-eastern France (in french) : RipiMed
BiodivERsA OSCAR – Optimising the configuration of woody riparian buffer strips along rivers to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services Woody riparian buffers along rivers provide multiple ecosystem services, many more besides nutrient retention (e.g. mitigating water temperature), enhance habitat-
Riparian vegetation restoration: Does social perception reflect ecological value? Pedro Arsénio et al. published a paper in River Research and Applications: They notably discuss why clear identification of relevant
Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands This book comprises an overview of the riverine, swamp, floodplain forests and shrublands throughout the European continent. This handbook gives
RiReMo project (Riparian Remote Monitoring for river management in Wallonia) The RiReMo project aims to provide accurate information about the physical conditions (topography, channel morphology) and forest conditions (height, longitudinal