Improving river hydromorphological assessment through better integration of riparian vegetation: Scientific evidence and guidelines The riparian vegetation value informing river hydromorphological status is reviewed. The WFD-compliant hydromorphological assessments often neglect riparian vegetation. Multi-scale Indicators…
Deriving planform morphology and vegetation coverage from remote sensing to support river management applications Boothroyd, RJ., Nones, M. and Guerrero, M. (2021). Deriving planform morphology and vegetation coverage from remote sensing to support river…
MANAGERS’ VIEWS ON RIPARIAN VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN FRANCE An international survey was carried out and workshops were organised in various countries in order to gather the vision of…
COST Action CONVERGES – contribution to Green Deal call writing The Commission asked for some feedbacks about the next Green Deal call notably on the subject “Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem…
Good practices for forest buffers to improve surface water quality in the Baltic Sea region The aim of this report is to present options for riparian forest management, including forest buffers, to serve as inspiration…