RIPARIAN FORESTS AND BATS Report “Mediterranean riparian forests and bats – challenges and conservation” Riparian forests are diverse environments, constantly evolving with the floods…
Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands This book comprises an overview of the riverine, swamp, floodplain forests and shrublands throughout the European continent. This handbook gives…
RIPARIAN BUFFERS: LEARNING & TOOLS CROSSLINK is a European BiodivERsA research project that focuses on woody riparian buffers as a key component of landscape-level green…
Riparian vegetation ? What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ? “What is riparian vegetation ? Why is it important ?…
Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): The potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success Comparing seed traits and germination success across thethree common-alder species is essential to improvingseed-zone delineation and selection of plant reproductivematerial…
Assessing the Connectivity of Riparian Forests across a Gradient of Human Disturbance This study aims to test the potential of the freely available Copernicus “Riparian Zones” dataset to characterize the connectivity of…