Being involved in the COST Action CONVERGES, a testimony from Renata Kjushterevska (North Macedonia) In January 2019, Renata did a Short Term Scientific Mission at the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences
Topographic indices predict the diversity of Red List and non-native plant species in human-altered riparian ecosystems Michal Slezák, JanDouda, MáriaŠibíková, Ivan Jarolímek, Dušan Senko Richard Hrivnák. Topographic indices predict the diversity of Red List and non-native
Improving river hydromorphological assessment through better integration of riparian vegetation: Scientific evidence and guidelines The riparian vegetation value informing river hydromorphological status is reviewed. The WFD-compliant hydromorphological assessments often neglect riparian vegetation. Multi-scale Indicators
Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): The potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success Comparing seed traits and germination success across thethree common-alder species is essential to improvingseed-zone delineation and selection of plant reproductivematerial