A postdoc position is open at Rennes 2 University (France ) Project : Large-Scale indicators of fluvial landscape using multisensor…
Our last Newsletter is online
The last newsletter of the COST Action CONVERGES is now available see here…
COST Action CONVERGES at the ISRS conference in Vienna
CONVERGES COST Action has been present in the 6th Edition of the Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River…
COST Action CONVERGES presented in the last ECRR Technical Newsletter
The COST Action CONVERGES presented in the ECRR Technical Newsletter 1-2019, July (see here)….
The network is still growing
In the proposal (December 2016), the COST Action CONVERGES partners were 28 countries and 36 proposers. Today (July 2019), we…
Training School, October 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria
Training School on Diversity and development of phytocoenological databases and using of different numerical methods for analysis of vegetation data….