A STSM grant call for grant period 3 of the COST CONVERGES programme is open. The deadline for online applications…
The Slovak version of the report “Riparian zone / Riparian vegetation definition: principles and recommendations” is available
This report aims to provide elements to clarify identification of the riparian zone and the riparian vegetation of fluvial systems….
Riparian vegetation and global changes, a workshop !
A workshop is organized in Madrid (29th and 30th of January 2020) to discuss the the responses of riparian vegetation…
The last COST CONVERGES newsletter is online
Keep in touch with the COST Action CONVERGES : see here…
The Greek and Turkish versions of the report “Riparian zone / Riparian vegetation definition: principles and recommendations” is available
This report aims to provide elements to clarify identification of the riparian zone and the riparian vegetation of fluvial systems….
Special Issue “Riparian Vegetation and River Functioning” in Water
A special issue of the journal Water dedicated to Riparian Vegetation and River Functioning is now online ; See here…