You are working on riparian vegetation and you want to do a scientific mission in another country ? STSM grant…
National workshop in France dedicated to riparian management – Oct. 2020
Two and a half days were proposed in October 2020 in OrlĂ©ans (France) to encourage exchanges between managers and researchers…
New paper on Ecosystem Services Provided by Riparian Vegetation
The COST Action CONVERGES provides an overview of ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation by adopting a structured approach to…
New review article available: remote sensing of riparian vegetation
A systematic review on the remote sensing of riparian vegetation and its relevance for riparian managers has just been published…
The last COST CONVERGES newsletter is online
Keep in touch with the COST Action CONVERGES : see here…
Being involved in the COST Action CONVERGES
Why be involved in a COST action ? Some examples about the COST Action CONVERGES with Maria, Renata and Jean…