Institution :

Deltares, the Netherlands

Type of activity :


Themes of expertise :

riparian vegetation management, remote sensing, monitoring, vegetated flows

Areas of work :

Netherlands, South Korea, larger scale catchments

Biography :

Dr. Ellis Penning is an expert in the field of Nature Based Solutions and ecohydraulic research. She leads the research programme on Nature Based Solutions and carries out a variety of projects related to this subject. An ecologist by training, Ellis Penning is specifically focussing on the role of vegetation in aquatic systems, both from a flood risk and environmental quality point of view. Providing new evidence via measured data from both field and flume experiments on the interaction between vegetation and its surrounding environment helps to create a better understanding and provide the basis for better management of these systems. The linking of this experimental data with new model developments for predicting the impact of vegetation for both flood risk management and environmental quality is a key aspect of her work.