List of review papers related to riparian vegetation

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  1. Allan, J.D., 2004. Landscapes and Riverscapes: The Influence of Land Use on Stream Ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35, 257–284.
  2. Bejarano, M.D., Jansson, R., Nilsson, C., 2018. The effects of hydropeaking on riverine plants: a review: Hydropeaking on riverine plants. Biological Reviews 93, 658–673.

  3. Bendix, J., Hupp, C.R., 2000. Hydrological and geomorphological impacts on riparian plant communities. Hydrological Processes 14, 2977–2990.<2977::AID-HYP130>3.0.CO;2-4

  4. Bendix, J., Stella, J.C., 2013. Riparian Vegetation and the Fluvial Environment: A Biogeographic Perspective, in: Treatise on Geomorphology. Elsevier, pp. 53–74.

  5. Bornette, G., Tabacchi, E., Hupp, C., Puijalon, S., Rostan, J.C., 2008. A model of plant strategies in fluvial hydrosystems. Freshwater Biology 53, 1692–1705.

  6. Bragg, O.M., Black, A.R., Duck, R.W., Rowan, J.S., 2005. Approaching the physical-biological interface in rivers: a review of methods for ecological evaluation of flow regimes. Progress in Physical Geography 29, 506–531.

  7. Bren, L.J., 1993. Riparian zone, stream, and floodplain issues: a review. Journal of Hydrology 150, 277–299.

  8. Capon, S.J., Chambers, L.E., Mac Nally, R., Naiman, R.J., Davies, P., Marshall, N., Pittock, J., Reid, M., Capon, T., Douglas, M., Catford, J., Balwin, B.S., Stewardson, M., Roberts, J., Parsons, M., Williams, S.E., 2013. Riparian Ecosystems in the 21st Century: Hotspots for Climate Change Adaptation?. Ecosystems 16, 359–381.

  9. Capon, S.J., Pettit, N.E., 2018. Turquoise is the new green: Restoring and enhancing riparian function in the Anthropocene. Ecological Management & Restoration 19, 44–53.

  10. Castelle, A.J., Johnson, A.W., Conolly, C., 1994. Wetland and Stream Buffer Size Requirements—A Review. Journal of Environment Quality 23, 878.

  11. Corenblit, D., Baas, A.C.W., Bornette, G., Darrozes, J., Delmotte, S., Francis, R.A., Gurnell, A.M., Julien, F., Naiman, R.J., Steiger, J., 2011. Feedbacks between geomorphology and biota controlling Earth surface processes and landforms: A review of foundation concepts and current understandings. Earth-Science Reviews 106, 307–331.

  12. Corenblit, D., Tabacchi, E., Steiger, J., Gurnell, A.M., 2007. Reciprocal interactions and adjustments between fluvial landforms and vegetation dynamics in river corridors: A review of complementary approaches. Earth-Science Reviews 84, 56–86.

  13. Ding, J., Zhao, W., 2016. Comparing Chinese and international studies of riparian forests: A bibliometric survey (1981–2014). Acta Ecologica Sinica 36, 377–385.

  14. Dufour S, PM Rodríguez-González, M Laslier, Tracing the scientific trajectory of riparian vegetation studies: Main topics, approaches and needs in a globally changing world, Science of the total environment 653, 1168-1185

  15. Dufour, S., Muller, E., Straatsma, M., Corgne, S., 2012. Image Utilisation for the Study and Management of Riparian Vegetation: Overview and Applications, in: Carbonneau, P.E., Piégay, H. (Eds.), Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 215–239.

  16. Feld, C.K., Fernandes, M.R., Ferreira, M.T., Hering, D., Ormerod, S.J., Venohr, M., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C., 2018. Evaluating riparian solutions to multiple stressor problems in river ecosystems — A conceptual study. Water Research 139, 381–394.

  17. González, E., Martínez-Fernández, V., Shafroth, P.B., Sher, A.A., Henry, A.L., Garófano-Gómez, V., Corenblit, D., 2018. Regeneration of Salicaceae riparian forests in the Northern Hemisphere: A new framework and management tool. Journal of Environmental Management 218, 374–387.

  18. González, E., Sher, A.A., Tabacchi, E., Masip, A., Poulin, M., 2015. Restoration of riparian vegetation: A global review of implementation and evaluation approaches in the international, peer-reviewed literature. Journal of Environmental Management 158, 85–94.

  19. González del Tánago M., V. Martínez-Fernández, F. C. A., W. Bertoldi, S. Dufour, D. García de Jalón, V. Garófano-Gómez, D. Mandzukovski, P.M. Rodríguez-González (2021). Improving river hydromorphological assessment through better integration of riparian vegetation: Scientific evidence and guidelines. Journal of Environmental Management, 292.
  20. Greet, J.O.E., Webb, A.J., Cousens, R.D., 2011. The importance of seasonal flow timing for riparian vegetation dynamics: a systematic review using causal criteria analysis. Freshw. Biol. 56 (7), 1231–1247.
  21. Gregory, S.V., Swanson, F.J., McKee, W.A., Cummins, K.W., 1991. An ecosystem perspective of riparian zones. BioScience 41, 540–551.
  22. Gundersen, 2010 Environmental Services Provided from Riparian Forests in the Nordic Countries

  23. Gurnell, A., 2014. Plants as river system engineers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, 4–25.

  24. Gurnell, A.M., Gregory, K.J., 1995. Interactions between semi-natural vegetation and hydrogeomorphological processes. Geomorphology 13, 49–69.

  25. Haddaway et al., 2018. The multifunctional roles of vegetated strips around and within agricultural fields

  26. Hanna 2018 A review of riverine ecosystem service quantification: research gaps and recommendations

  27. Hickey, M.B.C. and Doran, B. (2004) A review of the efficiency of buffer strips for the maintenance and enhancement of riparian ecosystems. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 39: 311-317.

  28. Hoppenreijs JHT, Eckstein RL and Lind L (2022) Pressures on Boreal Riparian Vegetation: A Literature Review. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:806130. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.806130
  29. Hughes, F.M.R., Rood, S.B., 2003. Allocation of River Flows for Restoration of Floodplain Forest Ecosystems: A Review of Approaches and Their Applicability in Europe. Environmental Management 32, 12–33.

  30. Hupp, C.R., Dufour, S., Bornette, G., 2016. Vegetation as a tool in the interpretation of fluvial geomorphic processes and landforms, in: Kondolf, G.M., Piégay, H. (Eds.), Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 208–234.

  31. Huylenbroeck L, M Laslier, S Dufour, B Georges, P Lejeune, A Michez, Using remote sensing to characterize riparian vegetation: A review of available tools and perspectives for managers. Journal of Environmental Management 267, 110652

  32. Lind 2019 Towards ecologically functional riparian zones: A meta-analysis to develop guidelines for protecting ecosystem functions and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes

  33. Lozanovska, I., Ferreira, M.T., Aguiar, F.C., 2018. Functional diversity assessment in riparian forests – Multiple approaches and trends: A review. Ecological Indicators 95, 781–793.

  34. Malanson, G.P., 1993. Riparian landscapes, Cambridge studies in ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ; New York.

  35. Moore, R.D.; Spittlehouse, D.L.; Story, A. 2005. Riparian microclimate and stream temperature response to forest harvesting. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 41: 813–834

  36. Muller, E., 1997. Mapping riparian vegetation along rivers: old concepts and new methods. Aquatic Botany 58, 411–437.

  37. Naiman, R.J., Décamps, H., 1997. The ecology of interfaces : Riparian Zones. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28, 621–658.

  38. Naiman, R.J., Décamps, H., McClain, M.E., 2005. Riparia: ecology, conservation, and management of streamside communities, Aquatic ecology series. Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam.

  39. National Research Council, 2002. Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.

  40. Nilsson, C., Berggren, K., 2000. Alterations of riparian ecosystems caused by river regulation. BioScience, 50, 783–792.[0783:AORECB]2.0.CO;2

  41. Nilsson, C., Svedmark, M., 2002. Principles and ecological consequences of changing water regimes: Riparian plant communities. Environmental Management, 30, 468–480.

  42. Politti, E., Bertoldi, W., Gurnell, A., Henshaw, A., 2018. Feedbacks between the riparian Salicaceae and hydrogeomorphic processes: A quantitative review. Earth-Science Reviews 176, 147–165.

  43. Riis T, M Kelly-Quinn, FC Aguiar, P Manolaki, D Bruno, MD Bejarano, … Global overview of ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation, BioScience 70 (6), 501-514.

  44. Ring E, Johanna Johansson, Camilla Sandstro¨m, Brynhildur Bjarnado´ttir, Leena Fine´r, Zane Lı¯biete, Elve Lode, Inge Stupak, Magne Sætersdal, 2017. Mapping policies for surface water protection zones on forest land in the Nordic–Baltic region: Large differences in prescriptiveness and zone width. Ambio 2017, 46:878–893 DOI 10.1007/s13280-017-0924-8

  45. Rood 2020 Ecological Interfaces between Land and Flowing Water: Themes and Trends in Riparian Research and Management

  46. Rowínski, P.M., Västilä, K., Aberle, J., Järvelä, J., Kalinowska, M.B., 2018. How vegetation can aid in coping with river management challenges: a brief review. Ecohydroly Hydrobiololgy 18 (4), 345–354.

  47. Salemi, L.F., Groppo, J.D., Trevisan, R., Marcos de Moraes, J., de Paula Lima, W., Martinelli, L.A., 2012. Riparian vegetation and water yield: A synthesis. Journal of Hydrology 454–455, 195–202.

  48. Singh, R., Tiwari, A.K., Singh, G.S., 2021. Managing riparian zones for river health improvement: an integrated approach. Landscape Ecol Eng 17, 195–223.

  49. Solari, L., Van Oorschot, M., Belletti, B., Hendriks, D., Rinaldi, M., Vargas-Luna, A., 2015. Advances on Modelling Riparian Vegetation-Hydromorphology Interactions. River Research and Applications 32, 164–178.

  50. Steiger, J., Tabacchi, E., Dufour, S., Corenblit, D., Peiry, J.-L., 2005. Hydrogeomorphic processes affecting riparian habitat within alluvial channel-floodplain river systems: a review for the temperate zone. River Research and Applications 21, 719–737.

  51. Stella JC, PM Rodríguez-González, S Dufour, J Bendix 2012. Riparian vegetation research in Mediterranean-climate regions: common patterns, ecological processes, and considerations for management, Hydrobiologia 719 (1), 291-315.

  52. Stutter, M.I., Chardon, W.J., Kronvang, B., 2012. Riparian Buffer Strips as a Multifunctional Management Tool in Agricultural Landscapes: Introduction. J. Environ. Qual. 41, 297–303.

  53. Stutter, M., Baggaley, N., hUallacháin, Daire Ó, Wang, C. 2021. The utility of spatial data to delineate river riparian functions and management zones: A review. Science of The Total Environment 757, 143982.

  54. Tolkkinen Mari J., Jani Heino, Saija H.K.Ahonen, KaisaLehosmaa, Heikki Mykräa 2020. Streams and riparian forests depend on each other: A review with a special focus on microbes, Forest Ecology and Management Volume 462, 15 April 2020, 117962 ;
  55. Tomsett and Leyland 2019. Remote sensing of river corridors: A review of current trends and future directions.

  56. Urbanič G, Politti E, Rodríguez-González PM, Payne R, Schook D, Alves MH, Anđelković A, Bruno D, Chilikova-Lubomirova M, Di Lonardo S, Egozi R, Garófano-Gómez V, Gomes Marques I, González del Tánago M, Gültekin YS, Gumiero B, Hellsten S, Hinkov G, Jakubínský J, Janssen P, Jansson R, Kelly-Quinn M, Kiss T, Lorenz S, Martinez Romero R, Mihaljević Z, Papastergiadou E, Pavlin Urbanič M, Penning E, Riis T, Šibík J, Šibíková M, Zlatanov T & S. Dufour (2022). Riparian Zones—From Policy Neglected to Policy Integrated. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:868527.

  57. Wenger 1999. A review of the scientific literature on riparian buffer width, extent and vegetation,

  58. You, X., Liu, J., Zhang, L., 2015. Ecological modeling of riparian vegetation under disturbances: A review. Ecological Modelling 318, 293–300.

  59. Zaimes et al 2012. Riparian Land-Use Impacts on Stream Bank and Gully Erosion in AgriculturalWatersheds: WhatWe Have Learned